Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Open Mouth, Insert Foot...

...Or leg, as the case may be. I informed the internet of my grand exercise plan a few days too soon. The following day I set off on my little one-mile loop; around half way through, I was doing well and pleased with myself until realized to my dismay that my leg was hurting. Not just hurting: burning. And not both legs, but just below the knee on the right leg (which is the area of the leg where I tore the lining of the muscle two years ago and was in physical therapy for for three months last years). By the time I made it home I was limping more than I had since last October (the last time it was really bothering me). That was a week ago. Although after resting it all night it was usable the next day, we made an appointment with the sports medicine doctor anyway.

Verdict: come back in two weeks after you've had an MRI. And no running in the meantime.

I'm kind of feeling guilty now because between this that and the other thing I'll have been to various doctors, eye doctors, dentists, and associated assorted medical personnel seven times by the time the month is over. That's a lot of co-pays, hours in waiting rooms, and gas...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm. not good. how about low-impact exercise? swimming?

hope you have good news from the docs ;0